Student Information

Student Information

Readmission Policy after academic dismissal

Students (e.g., high school performance and entrance exam scores), the same criteria do not
seem to apply to students seeking readmission after academic dismissal.  ACTS would grant the readmission after academic dismissal.

Complaint/Grievance Procedure:

Five student’s grievance process steps
1. Informal meeting with Department Chair
Often, having an informal chat with Department Chair is all that’s needed to resolve a complaint or seminary issue.
2. Formal grievance in writing
Consider creating a grievance form for students to fill out. We can also have students send an email with details about the grievance. Encourage students to include as many details as possible, including names and dates.
3. Evaluate the grievance
At this stage, we may choose to loop in human resource department.
Evaluate the details of the grievance to determine the next steps. Perhaps it’s a simple fix that can be resolved immediately. If students receive an inaccurate grade, for example, the grievance can potentially be resolved within minutes. However, if the grievance is more complicated and involves other staff members, the next step is typically a formal investigation.
4. Conduct a formal investigation
To conduct a formal investigation, we may need to interview the employee who filed the grievance as well as anyone else who was involved. Collect any evidence we can to help us come up with a resolution (e.g., email chains, witness testimony, receipts). You may also choose to appoint an independent investigator to conduct the investigation to keep the process fair and unbiased.
5. Resolution
Finally, the investigator, HR, Department chair and anyone else who was involved in the investigation writes a formal conclusion based on their findings. Let the student know what your decision is and what action you’ll take.
If the resolution isn’t satisfactory to the students, the complaints can be escalated to the office of Dean and President.

Class Attendance

Punctual class attendance is a requirement of every course. A student who is absent from a class is responsible for reporting the reason for the absence directly to the professor. Absences may adversely affect the grade received in the course. If absences in a course for any reason exceed one-third of the class sessions, the student will receive an “F” in the course. Professors may set a more stringent attendance policy in specific courses. These policies will be specified in the course syllabus.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

A student may cancel the Enrollment Agreement without any financial penalty prior to the end of the add/drop period. Later cancellations should follow the Seminary’s refund policy.  Any tuition payment will be refunded to the student within a 45-day period following his/her cancellation notice.
Applicants who have not visited the school prior to enrolment will have the opportunity to cancel enrolment without penalty (receive a refund of all money paid other than application/administration fee) within three business days following either the regularly scheduled orientation procedures or following a tour of the school facilities and inspection of equipment where training and services are provided.

Withdrawal from the Seminary

ACTS utilizes add/drop period, therefore, a student who withdraws during the add/drop period shall be entitled to 100% tuition refund. The add/drop period at ACTS is only one week.
To initiate the withdrawal process, the student must submit a Withdrawal Form. Students may download the form from our website or obtain a hard copy from the Registrar’s Office or the Office of International Student Services.

Upon submission of the Withdrawal Form, the tuition deposit paid (if any amount) will be refunded. The bank transaction fee, however, will be deducted from this total. In general, the Seminary will refund the tuition deposit in the same manner as it was received by the Seminary (credit card payment, bank wire transaction, or check). Please note that the Seminary will only issue tuition refunds to the organization or person who made the original payment. The application fee and the postage fee are not refundable. In order to get full refund a written notice must be received by the last day of add/drop period. In case of no written notice, the last day of attendance will be determined within 14 calendar days after student stopped attending. See “unofficial withdrawal” below.

ACTS will issue refunds to students who have terminated their status as students within 45 days after receipt of a written request or the date the student last attended classes whichever is sooner. Following refund schedule is used to determine any refunds IGU owes to the students in case of dropping a class or withdrawing from the Seminary.

Graduation Policy

  1. Candidates may choose to meet the degree requirements of the current catalog or any catalog within six years prior to graduation, provided that the candidate was enrolled in the degree program during the year of the catalog chosen.
  2. A student’s graduation will be delayed one semester if:
    1. all incomplete (I) grades are not removed and a grade recorded in the Registrar’s Office by the grade deadline of the term in which the student is graduating;
    2. transient, study abroad, credit by exam or any other type of credit is not recorded in the Registrar’s Office by the grade deadline of the term in which the student is scheduled to graduate;
    3. the student is not meeting graduation requirements after grades are posted for the term in which the student is scheduled to graduate.
  3. Students are encouraged to attend graduation. If attendance is not possible, the student should notify the Registrar’s Office. A student may participate in only one graduation ceremony per degree earned.

Employment Assistance Program for graduates

  1. All seminary students are encouraged to serve in the local church on Sundays as candidates for ordination.
  2. All seminarians must apply for “candidates”, then “License to preach” and finally apply for ordination by presbytery.
  3. After graduating from seminary, all students are ordained by the presbytery and get a job as an evangelist in a local church or religious organization.