Master of Divinity (MDiv) program is a professional graduate degree designed to prepare
individuals for leadership roles in ministry, pastoral work, or other areas of Christian service.
The curriculum typically covers a broad range of theological, biblical, pastoral, and practical subjects.
Here is an overview of what is commonly taught in an MDiv program:

  1. Biblical Studies
  • Old Testament: In-depth study of the Hebrew Bible, including its history, literature, and theology.
  • New Testament: Examination of the Gospels, Epistles, and other New Testament writings,
    with a focus on interpretation and theology.
  • Biblical Languages: The MDiv programs offer or require Hebrew (for Old Testament) and Greek
    (for New Testament) to enable students to engage with the biblical texts in their original languages.
  1. Theology
  • Systematic Theology: Study of the major doctrines of the Christian faith, such as the Trinity, Christology,
    pneumatology (Holy Spirit), soteriology (salvation), ecclesiology (the church), and eschatology (end times).
  • Historical Theology: Exploration of the development of Christian thought and doctrine throughout church
    history, including key figures and movements.
  • Contemporary Theology: Examination of modern theological issues, debates, and responses to contemporary
    cultural challenges.
  1. Church History
  • Early Church History: Study of Christianity from its origins through the early councils and the development
    of Christian creeds.
  • Reformation and Modern History: Focus on the Protestant Reformation, the Catholic Counter-Reformation,
    and the development of modern Christianity.
  • Global Christianity: Examination of Christianity’s development and growth in various regions around the world.
  1. Pastoral Theology and Ministry
  • Pastoral Care and Counseling: Training in pastoral care techniques for addressing spiritual, emotional,
    and psychological needs within a faith community.
  • Homiletics (Preaching): Study and practice of sermon preparation and delivery, focusing on
    effective communication of biblical messages.
  • Spiritual Formation: Development of personal spiritual disciplines and practices, with a focus on
    fostering a deep relationship with God.
  • Leadership and Administration: Training in leadership skills for managing a church, including budgeting,
    staffing, and organizational structure.
  1. Ethics
  • Christian Ethics: Exploration of moral theology, including the application of Christian principles to issues
    such as justice, human rights, sexuality, war, poverty, and environmental stewardship.
  • Social Justice: Examination of how faith communities can address social and economic inequality,
    with a focus on practical ministry in these areas.
  1. Missiology and Evangelism
  • Mission Studies: The theology and practice of Christian mission, including cross-cultural ministry,
    church planting, and global evangelism.
  • Evangelism: Study of methods for sharing the Christian faith, both in local communities and globally.
  1. Worship and Liturgy
  • Liturgical Theology: Study of the theological foundations of Christian worship, including the sacraments
    (e.g., baptism, communion) and the liturgical calendar.
  • Worship Leadership: Practical training in planning and leading worship services, including music, prayer,
    and the sacraments.
  1. Contextual and Cultural Ministry
  • Interfaith Dialogue: Training in understanding and engaging with people of other faiths or no faith,
    emphasizing respectful dialogue and collaboration.
  • Urban and Rural Ministry: Preparation for ministry in diverse settings, including urban, suburban,
    and rural contexts.
  • Multicultural Ministry: Understanding and addressing the needs of diverse cultural communities
    within and beyond the church.
  1. Practical Ministry Experience
  • Internships/Field Education: The MDiv program might require hands-on experience through
    internships or field education, where students work in churches or ministry settings under
    the supervision of experienced pastors or ministry leaders.
  • Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE): Some programs include CPE, which provides experience in
    chaplaincy (e.g., hospitals, prisons) and focuses on the integration of theology and pastoral care
    in real-life situations.
  1. Capstone or Thesis
  • Final Project or Thesis: The MDiv programs conclude with a capstone project or thesis,
    allowing students to conduct in-depth research on a specific theological, biblical, or ministerial topic.

MDiv programs equip students for ordination in various Christian denominations and prepare them
for roles such as pastors, chaplains, missionaries, or other ministry positions.

Please contact Dr. Seog Hyeon Yu (678) 200-5536