B.A. in Biblical Studies (BA) 신학사
Master of Divinity 목회학석사
The Master of Divinity prepares persons for ordained ministry and for general religious leadership responsibilities in congregations and other settings. The MDiv curriculum reflects the mission of ACTS by introducing students to theological scholarship, fostering their growth in spiritual faith and practice, and promoting the capacity to engage in ministry within a variety of contexts that will lead toward the just transformation of the church and the world. 신학석사 과정은 안수받은후 사역과 교회 및 기타 환경에서 일반적인 종교 지도자 책임을 수행할 수 있도록 준비시킵니다. MDiv 커리큘럼은 학생들에게 신학 학문을 소개하고, 영적 신앙과 실천의 성장을 촉진하며, 교회와 세상의 정의로운 변화를 이끌어낼 다양한 맥락에서 사역에 참여할 수 있는 역량을 키움으로써 ACTS의 사명을 반영합니다.
MV500 |
Master of Divinity (M. Div.) 목회학석사 |
72 |
MV501 |
Interpreting the New Testament |
3 |
MV502 |
Interpreting the Old Testament |
3 |
MV503 |
Church History Ⅰ |
3 |
MV504 |
Biblical Foundations of Christian Ministry |
3 |
MV505 |
Introduction of Theology |
3 |
MV506 |
Theology and Practice of Pastoral Leadership |
3 |
MV507 |
Church History Ⅱ |
3 |
MV508 |
Design for Preaching |
3 |
MV509 |
Christian Leadership |
3 |
MV510 |
Paul’s Missional Leadership |
3 |
MV511 |
Formation and Contextual Ministry |
3 |
MV512 |
Preaching practice |
3 |
MV513 |
Intercultural study |
3 |
MV514 |
Systematic Theology I |
3 |
MV515 |
Church History Ⅲ |
3 |
MV516 |
Mission through the book of ACTS |
3 |
MV517 |
Biblical and Theological Ethics |
3 |
MV518 |
Christian Counseling & Dynamics of Biblical Change |
3 |
MV519 |
Anthropology cultural |
3 |
MV520 |
Mission Study Ⅰ |
3 |
MV521 |
Christian Discipleship |
3 |
MV522 |
Synoptic Gospels Ⅱ |
3 |
MV523 |
Mission Study Ⅱ |
3 |
MV524 |
Dynamic of Great Commission |
3 |
MV525 |
Pentateauch |
Elective |
IC501 |
Foundation of Christian Mission |
3 |
IC507 |
Biblical Basis of Evangelism |
3 |
BA308 |
Christian Ethics |
3 |
CH500 |
Chapel (1 Semester 1Credit = 6 Semester) |
6 |
Total |
Program Director: Dr. Seog Hyeon Yu
Dean of Academic Affair
11575 Jones Bridge Rd. Johns Creek. GA 30022